The book outlines a new and effective methodological approach to create your own franchise network in any product sector.
The reading path winds through the formula of secrets, each of which crystallizes technical rules and pearls of wisdom.
The work also presents numerous examples from extraordinary success stories: McDonald’s, Burger King, Intimissimi, Zara, H&M, Foot Locker, Virgin, The Lash Lounge, Esselunga, GameStop, Lush, Venchi.
The text is aimed at entrepreneurs, startuppers, and aspiring franchisors, who want to create their own distribution system even from scratch.
It is also designed for existing franchisors who are looking for ideas to update, structure themselves better and increase the numb with awareness all aspects of the franchise business model and on each of them focuses and catalyzes all his experience in the industry, as a consultant, entrepreneur and scholar.
Contatta l’autore per una consulenza gratuita o per dargli una buona ragione per non fare il franchising. Scrivimi in privato
Chapter 1
The secrets to choosing and evaluating a location
Chapter 2
The secrets to making a format replicable
Chapter 3
The secrets to make a more performing format
Chapter 4
Secrets to calculate fees and royalties
Chapter 5
Secrets of the franchising contract
Chapter 6
The secrets to creating a Professional and legally unassailable Operating Manual
Chapter 7
The secrets for the communication and digital advertising of franchisors
Chapter 8
The secrets to making affiliates
Chapter 9
Secrets to selling a franchise format
Chapter 10
The secrets of affiliate and funding formulas
Chapter 11
Secrets to manage affiliates and avoid reputational risk
Richiedi informazioni
Se vuoi saperne di più su come creare da zero un tuo format o sviluppare al meglio la tua rete franchising, fissa una consulenza gratuita.
Sede Commerciale Italia
Via Copernico 38, 20125
Milano (MI) -
Sede Legale & Operativa
Via del Baluardo 19, 64100 Teramo (TE)