The Mondadori Group chooses Franchise Development to implement its licensing spin-offs
Below is an excerpt from the interview conducted by the editorial staff of MAGAZINE START FRANCHISING pp. 56-58. ‘Sale&Pepe’ and ‘Focus junior Play Lab’ are business models launched by Mondadori. Pamela Carati, mass-market brand manager of the publishing company, and Davide D’Andrea Ricchi, owner of Franchise Development, discuss the strategies of the operation that sees them as partners.
“… remembers Pamela Carati: we presented two franchising projects, the Sale&Pepe cooking school and the Focus Junior playroom.” A brand extension operation that transforms editorial content into experience. “We have combined know-how and entertainment – Carati explains further – translating them into a physical space where integrated services are offered perfectly in line with the brand values.” The birth of both projects stems from years in which Mondadori has taken its newspapers out of the newsrooms, into contact with the public. “We realized that people want to connect with brands through experiences that allow them to put their passions into practice.” For the implementation of the two formats, Mondadori decided to turn to Davide D’Andrea Ricchi, owner of the consulting company Franchise Development, “because we wanted to turn to someone who had the right experience for our needs,” comments Carati.
“The franchising system is a virtuous system where entrepreneurs decide to ally themselves according to certain game plans to win in the market and competition – explains Davide D’Andrea Ricchi. The affiliate contributes to this alliance with his motivation and financial resources, and the parent company brings its know-how and, in the case of Mondadori, also a well-known and powerful brand. Good franchising is like a booster for new commercial activities, an accelerator and enhancer. I have always suggested to those who want to start their own business: “either affiliate or create your own franchising”… I don’t see any other middle ground. Absolute vision? No, simply rational.”
The challenge of the two Mondadori formats is played out in a scenario where growth seems to be linked to digital, while in this case, a strategy is implemented that involves the opening of physical points. Why?
“If a business has a strongly experiential dimension, and these two formats certainly do – Ricchi replies – physical points are essential. However, digital is an integral part of the business. In Mondadori’s case, it is used to support the opening plan of physical points and to support them. We use digital tools and derive their benefits.”
How much does the ‘physical’ channel strengthen the brand? “- continues Ricchi – it is the brand awareness that supports the physical channel: the opening of stores can only give new life to the brand, which is already strong in itself.”
“We are in negotiations for openings from Veneto to Sicily and we have also signed an agreement with the Chinese government for both realities. As affiliates, we are looking for people who want to personally get involved, not investors. We somehow entrust them with the heritage of brand values – Carati concludes – the selection must be extremely careful.”